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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)


Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a specialized therapeutic approach aimed at strengthening the bond between parents and their children while addressing behavioral problems. It's designed to help children between the ages of 2 and 6 and is particularly effective for children experiencing emotional and behavioral disorders.

PCIT is centered on enhancing the quality of the parent-child relationship and transforming parent-child interaction patterns. In PCIT, parents or caregivers are taught specific skills to establish or strengthen a nurturing and secure relationship with their child while also managing their child's behavior effectively.

The therapy is divided into two main phases: Relationship Enhancement and Discipline.

In the Relationship Enhancement phase, you'll learn and practice skills designed to build a warm, secure relationship with your child. This phase includes learning how to provide positive attention to your child's good behavior, using reflective listening, offering enthusiastic praise, and communicating love and acceptance.

The Discipline phase focuses on helping you manage your child's difficult behavior. You'll learn techniques to effectively direct your child's behavior, set clear limits, and consistently follow through with appropriate consequences.

Throughout the therapy, sessions typically involve you and your child playing together while the therapist observes and guides you in real-time through an earpiece. This immediate, in-the-moment coaching helps you apply new skills effectively, which can make a significant difference in your interactions with your child.

By participating in PCIT, you're not just working on resolving current behavioral issues but also learning essential skills that can improve your parenting and your relationship with your child in the long run. It's an empowering approach that helps parents become more confident and effective, and children feel more secure and better behaved.

Learn more about PCIT here.

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